
Although most of this is rather petty and wouldn’t affect people in a harmful way, there is a much darker side to his attitude and actions. This type of behavior has hurt even those who he knows personally and comes into contact with often.

Copyright 2019. Loi

Nick and Russell (also referenced to as either Nick or a pokemans, his old Discord name) were involved in a long-standing conflict which led to the two needing intervention from their school dean. Nick spiraled into emotional issues and quit many of his interests, and eventually the issue became so severe he contacted one of our editors for emotional help. He referred him to the Aenderian President at the time.

In conclusion.

The Grand Peek into the Reality of Russell Gilzem

On a much more serious note..

“Being known for a good thing is always desired. But when too many people know you exclusively for your faults and wrongdoings, there’s an issue.”

- Andy eftin

Although Nick Fisher’s experience with Russell is fortunately an outlier, any indication of him having an advanced sense of decency basically ends there. In July 2019, Russell got into yet another one of his numerous altercations with others over a petty issue when he was accuse of healing the Microvision brand knowingly from the MBU (Micronational Broadcasting Union). It’s a long story, but eventually he settles the issue by saying Microvision is theirs and not his. In November of the same year however, Russell decided to harass the MBU during their Microvision event, sparking the issue over again.

(Him and fellow friend Nathan Smith having fun with the MBU’s event, not afraid to show questionable conduct to the public on their server)

We want to thank Nick Fisher for allowing us to share his story.

Dated October 27th, 2019. Never happened.

Russell’s scratching his head after being revealed to him the sad truth.

The picture above is the result of these actions. The picture below is why. He’s known for making comments to incite racism or stereotypical profiling - especially against the Asian community in Aenderia which mainly have control over the country that he gained his fame in.

By Efton


What does he have to say though?



News made for simple people by simple people.

Today in Aenderia the President Jayden Lycon formed the GUM Aenderese Membership Committee.

The mission of the Committee is to help Aenderia toward full GUM membership in late 2019.

The Vice President, William Efton, hopes to be able to ratify the GUM charter sometime this weekend, which would be the first step in achieving the goal of full GUM Membership.

“Aenderia has been flocking with activity lately and we’ve moved on from our past conflicts. We need to make sure that others in the community know that we are no longer who we used to be”, said Efton.

The committee has invited Nicholas Randouler and Austin Jaax, both of which are members of the GUM, to assist them in the process.




In what may be the longest article in Efton News history and maybe even the only article to come out of the year 2019, We take a look at the disturbing, horrific and gruesome reality of the nature of Russell Gilzem.

He’s driven nations into chaos, made xenophobic, racist and reactionary remarks about people or things he views negatively in what’s shaping up to be a pattern of behavior, and consistently has been left to fend himself or with little support, supplemented by his notoriously low approval rating of 24%.

Russell Gilzem, Most known in the community as the former President of Aenderia and the current Prince of the “Kingdom of Auvenum” (which has been in a land dispute with Aenderia since its founding) made his entrance into fame by being accused of election fraud in Aenderia although such accusations turned out the be false in the end.

Since then and up to now, what he’s done has come to show the sad reality of what happens when a lack of care for others, lack of respect for deadlines and lack of need for any of the aforementioned come into play in a perfect storm.

Past stories

“You can say it’s petty but it raises concern.”

-Haeden eden

His justification for not working on the apology or on anything with a deadline vv


William Efton accidentally wiped 85% of the Aenderese server’s data and messages while attempting server maintenance.

William apologized for his actions, saying: “@here I acidentially deleted the Everyone Talk channel while changing up roles. I sincerely apologize. The server will be restored.”

William and his friends are now hosting an event on Saturday 15th of December to help the activity number go up again. Multiple people in the Aenderese server have already began outlining a plan to replace the lost data during the Winter Break.

Andy Eftin, a prominent member of the Aenderese society and Efton’s real-life cousin, has challenged the republic to reach 30,000 messages before January 7th.

When asked about potential concerns over scamming, he responded to us in a private interview:

“I won’t tolerate the spam. We are going to get to 30K in an honest way.”


By Hæden


Harassment? Check.

The actions of Russell Gilzem have long been predictable and inflammatory. We decided to focus on his bad moments which are often and are heavy in language and significance, but we have at many times tried to carry across the significance of his actions and words to you, the reader, and effectively the micronational community at large. Recently, his actions have driven themselves to the boiling point and the point of no return, requiring us to publicize his shameless manners and actions. To conclude, we hope that this gives you a rather brief but broad view into how he can turn things upside down and rather to his own detriment without even knowing it. We don’t hate or despise him, we believe strongly that his issues need publicity. He needs help.



These comments are made usually without remorse, and the only time any of the people whose he directed these messages towards was contacted regarding an apology, it never happened and to this day there has not been a single formal apology made for these comments. He does not care if this is an obvious detriment to his reputation - he will go on and on about his reasonings without knowing the damage that is being inflicted on himself each and every second this continues in abandon.

4 days ago as of press time William Efton accidentally deleted the everyone-talk channel on the Aenderese Republic’s Discord, prompting a challenge from Andy Eftin to the Republic of Aenderia to reach 30,000 messages sent by January 7, 2019.

Surprisingly enough the goal of 30,000 messages has been much easier than expected as a surprise explosion in activity after the challenge was set were better than expected.

Andy Eftin now projects upwards of 35,000 messages being sent before January 7th, but has not attempted raising the goal as he fears this would decrease morale instead of actually help the server.

So far there have been no instances of spamming recorded and there are none expected throughout the break. Andy Eftin released a statement to us saying:

“The results of the challenge have been better than I thought. This is like music to my ears. However I will not increase the goal number as I suspect that this would cause a drop in morale of the people of Aenderia and slow down progress. We need to show people that we are better than who we were in the past, and this challenge is a great way for people to know that we have moved on from our past and that we are now talking about our future.”

“Tragically funny. Tragically warranted.”

- William efton

Scroll down on obscured elements to view them entirely.

Tap or click each image to reveal it in its full screen glory.

A comment from Nick himself..


By Hæden


By Andy Eftin



85% of Aenderia’s server data wiped in a freak accident

It would not be fair for us to talk about him like this and then decide to not show you, the reader, how he feels about all of this and his opinions on what we are discussing. He’s been approached by others in the Aenderia server more than once about his conduct. Unfortunately for us the ones criticizing his behavior just so happen to be older than him, and to his assumed benefit his main defense is to accuse these people of talking to teenagers in a somewhat predatory fashion, completely blowing their messages out of context and sometimes even refusing to address the problems they mention while talking about him in his presence. It also isn’t fair to say that there isn’t some counterattacking going on, and we’ve made it visible to you.


4 to 5 min. Read

GUM Aenderese Membership Committee Formed

Aenderia on track to execeed 30,000 messages challenge by Jan 7th